First Post

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This is my first post. Welcome to my site and I hope you enjoy your time here. This is something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time but unfortunately my lazy tendencies always got the best of me. Finally, I decided to fight back with a write for 5 minutes every day creed. This means, I will write something, anything, or work on something that involves writing, for at least 5 minutes every day. Not everything I write will be posted on the site of course but it’s an exercise to get me doing what I want to do.

Well, what will you write about on the site? Good question. I’ll write about anything I am currently interested in. From soccer to politics, film making to tech and computers, travel to art and photography, positive words, life experiences, really anything that I enjoy or find some delight in talking about. It will be a sort of diary if you will. Some posts may be informative, others may be rants but my goal is to put them out into the world for other people to take in and formulate their own opinions.

Is this site for everyone? Most likely not, nor will I try to make it for everyone. This site is for me and it’s the reason I am starting it. If you enjoy the topics, what I write about, my style of writing, or really just about anything that goes on here, feel free to reach out to me and to check back periodically to see what’s going on.

For now, take care and have a good day.

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