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‘Tis the season. Once again we have reached the holiday season where we exchange gifts and then shortly thereafter celebrate entry into the new year. It’s a great time of the year but more so for the children. I remember when I was younger, Christmas was my favorite holiday. The snow, putting together a miniature town with my mom, and of course the best part of all, the presents. However, I got older and it doesn’t seem to have that mystic feeling anymore. I no longer enjoy the snow as it has become more of a burden than fun; don’t have the motivation to build the miniature town knowing that in two weeks I’ll have to clean everything and pack it all back up. Most of all, I find that gifts for people older than 18 is useless. I mean we buy each other gifts, spend our money and the other person may not even enjoy what we give them. I prefer that I just buy myself a gift from you and you buy a gift from me and then we can just get together and enjoy each others company. It’s a win-win situation. You get what you wanted, I get what I wanted and we still get to have fun.

A week later we have New Years Eve. Time to make our lists, set our goals, and set out to accomplish them. A night celebrated every hour for a 24 hour period, across the world. We celebrate with our friends, with our family, with strangers, at home, in another country. It doesn’t matter because wherever we are and with whomever we are we have a good time and for those 10 last seconds of the year we forget our problems, our prejudices, our worries and we all commemorate together.

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