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I consider myself some what of an idea man, of a creator. Ideas are usually in abundance in my mind and I occasionally find my mind wandering off and day dreaming of taking things no one cares about and making them into something awesome. Typically business wise. I dream about what I can do with an abandoned building or how to take a business and make it better.
There’s a problem though, although I have the ideas I typically don’t act on them and it’s a great hindrance of mine. Sometimes I’m just not that passionate about the idea, other times I create excuses but most of the time it’s just plain laziness. I suffer from chronic laziness and it’s something I battle everyday. You think kicking bad habits is tough? Try being lazy.
If I’m not enthusiastic enough about something, it takes a great effort to get it done. This is a fault of mine I know and it is something I will correct, but it will take time. It’s very difficult to change a habit you’ve had for over 2 decades, but I’m determined.
Take the write everyday for 5 minutes challenge. I’ve already broken it. I complain to myself that I have nothing to write about or I’m just not feeling inspired or in the mood and I know deep down inside they’re just horrible excuses. I will start slow though and gradually pick up my pace but either way I am determined to fight this laziness and create more self motivation. I will keep on writing here and pulling my ideas and thoughts out of my head even if I have to use some pliers.

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