Folly of Fools

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My mother used to read to me every night, she had learned that reading to children at night would make them enjoy reading, but reading didn’t seem to interest me when I was younger. I have always been a visual person. I enjoy looking at visually appealing images and am a visual learner. However, we grow up and we realize that most things are not visually laid out for us, they are written and that’s how most passing of information is done. So in high school, at the high recommendation of a very close family friend, I read what is now my personal fiction favorite, “The Giver” written by Louis Lowry, who also happens to be my favorite fiction author.

I began reading some books of my choosing and realized that the problem wasn’t that I didn’t like reading but that I didn’t like reading things I was forced to read when, I had no interest in them. I started with fiction which is fairly easy to read and get into and shortly after college got into self help and development books. I haven’t turned back since and although it’s hard for me to read (some people devour books, I’m not one of them) I try to read as many books as possible, as quickly as possible. They usually take me a while to finish, anywhere between 3-6 weeks for a book. I have since read quite a few books and even though my book shelf is not something to brag about I have certainly been through my fair share and have learned quite a bit. I will certainly write about some of the books I’ve read in future posts but what sparked me to write this post is the book I am currently ready titled “The Folly of Fools” by Robert Trivers.

Now as I mentioned my list of read books is not extensive but I have to say, this is probably one of the best books, if not the best, I’ve read so far. The book delves into the world of deception and talk about deception in all of its forms, not only deception to other but self-deception as well, and gives great examples of each. It’s a book that has certainly changed my mind frame and I highly recommend it to anyone interested.

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