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Fear of Commitment

The fear of commitment is a very real thing, it stops us dead in our tracks and prevents us from accomplishing some pretty great stuff in life. It can certainly cause us to make bad decisions. I believe I might be a victim of such a thing. Allow me to explain. When we make a choice in life, for example a career choice, we are saying that we are going to choose this for the rest of our lives and dedicate all our time and energy to this thing. Well, what if down the line we realize that we made the wrong choice, that this in fact isn’t what we wanted? Then it could seem we wasted all that time for nothing. Maybe a few months or a few years, maybe even decades; and what ends up happening is we either continue miserable down the same path because we don’t want to start over, or we start over and feel as though we are behind because we started so late. It’s a terrible dilemma to be caught in because it leads back to regrets; and who wants to live a life with regrets? Especially when we only get 1 life. Time flies and the more time you let go by the more time you waste, and that’s exactly it. The more time you let go by the more time you waste. So at the very least it’s better to do something and to make a choice rather then do nothing and not make a choice, even if you may believe it to be the wrong choice.

Now you may be saying, “but that makes no sense then I will have lived with regrets,” and let me answer that. It is never too late to do anything. Never too late to pursue a dream, too late to take up a new interest. And sometimes it’s even better to have come from something else because we’ll be able to apply what we’ve learned before to this new thing. We will have a fresh or different perspective then others who have never done anything else because we can apply what we’ve learned from other things we’ve done. So my advice to you is make a choice and follow a path. Don’t stand around doing nothing. Because even if you make the wrong choice, or maybe you just change your mind down the line, then you’ll still have learned and been able to realize that you need to change paths. Don’t ever feel like you’ve wasted time and don’t ever think it’s too late. It is never too late to change directions in life so go and make a commitment to something you like and enjoy.

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